needle threading

The Weaving of Common Threads: Connecting Innovation Types for Sustainable Solutions

At its core, innovation is problem solving. And there are about as many different ways to solve a problem as there are types of a problem a business can face.

In my view, there are four main categories of innovation: leaping, leading, improving, enabling. These four types of innovation – and how you connect them – can be the key to making the right short- and long-term moves that protect and grow your business. Pretty handy when your business has problems that need sustainable, successful solutions.

I recently took a seat in front of the camera for a series of videos aimed at helping organizations to develop more impactful future states. As follows is the third in the series, with a focus on the four types of innovation and how we can connect them into the solutions we will produce, which will create alignment in our innovation programs. 

Take a five-minute coffee break and watch the brief video below for more on this must-have, must-do aspect of managing successful innovation programs. 


But Wait, There's More

Ready to learn more about innovation types and Intentional Innovation®, our commercially-proven process to simplify and deploy higher performing, longer lasting, innovative solutions that drive new revenues and deeper customer engagement, and how Teaming Worldwide can help you solve your business’s most pressing innovation pain points? Let’s connect. Visit to schedule a discovery call or email

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